
What It Means For Businesses That Facebooks API Is Shut Down.

I was checking out one of the tools I don’t use terribly often the other day and went to add a new site to it but I noticed that a notice popped up saying I couldn’t add the new site! It mentioned something about Facebook API access. Oh no! Right!

So I did a bit of research and found out that there were more tools affected by this!

To my dismay it is unknown when these tools will be available again.

Here is what I learned:

There are a number of new API restrictions now on Facebook. Since the Cambridge Analytica controversy. These will affect most third party tools in various ways. Some of the items affected are the Groups, Events, Personal Messages. Instagram will also be affected by this as well. Third party tools will no longer be able to reply or like, see a followers list, or follow or unfollow within the tool. Some tools may have access to certain functions if you signed up before April 4th 2018.

It is unsure exactly how long this will remain in place. Facebook will probably allow some app creators to reapply for access then they will have to reapply every 90 days. It is not certain on the time-frame that each of these may regain access. Some may not be back.

Facebook has also released the Data Abuse Bounty Program to reward people who report missuse of data.

Not to panic though, If you normally rely on third party tools to share content mainly you can use Facebook’s native tools instead to do many of these functions. It may be a bit less convenient for a while but shouldn’t cause too much trouble.


What It Means For Businesses That Facebooks API Is Shut Down. Read More »

Why We Are Building Communities!

Our vision for this site is to help industries build communities of other business owners to help support each other and to help find the best ways to build your businesses. These days it is essential to nearly all businesses to have a presence online but that path to having a presence is not an easy one.

There can be a lot of misdirection on that path and wasted time money and resources

while you are building your business.

We would like to build communities of businesses online that can support and network with each other to help us learn better ways to market our products and services. Marketing is constantly changing and evolving and the laws regarding it are constantly changing also in order to keep up you must keep moving and evolving.

We believe to do this effectively we must join together to support one another in this community!

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Welcome to Community Hub Marketing!

Where we focus on marketing that is geared for the specific needs of your industry.

We strive to build marketing communities where businesses can network and share resources to build up small businesses to be able to compete in the larger market. Our goal is to create a space where small businesses can grow and gain knowledge from our peers than can only be achieved through businesses coming together and pooling our resources and knowledge so that we can build eachother up and make our community collectively

rise up!

With billions of websites on the internet and many new ones built each day. Creating a new website can be challenging and can take a lot of time and or money to bring it to the top ranks of the search engines. By coming together we can find the best tactics and tools to get us there and find those tactics that work best!

We are very excited to get started building marketing communities specialized to your industry! We would love it if you come join us in our forum! Ask us anything! Also if you wish to contribute content or volunteer time please drop us a line!

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